Thanks for considering to serve as a Drop-off Location for Operation Christmas Child this year. If you have any questions please contact your Area Team member or your State/Regional office on 1300 884 468 for Australia or 0800 726 274 for New Zealand.


How to become an OCC Drop-off Location

  • 1. Read, understand, and agree to the guidelines set out below.
  • 2. Complete the online Drop-off Location Profile and Agreement on this page.
  • 3. In September, you will receive all the required resources to do the role:
    – Drop-off Ministry Handbook
    – Cartons
    – QR code for donors dropping off boxes, and paper log sheets
    – Signage
    – OCC Resources
  • 4. Keep in touch with your local Operation Christmas Child Area Team or your state’s Regional Ministry Leader in the lead up to collection.

Please read these Guidelines before completing the below agreement form

A Drop-off Location (DOL) is a place where individuals, churches, schools, or other participating groups can drop off their Operation Christmas Child (OCC) gift-filled shoeboxes. The DOL then places the shoeboxes in cartons ready for transport to the nearest Central-DOL or OCC warehouse for processing.

For health and safety reasons we are unable to use private homes as Drop-off Locations. The DOL must be a church, organisation or business with adequate storage facilities and regular opening hours to the public. Drop-off Locations are required to have at least two hours of operation every day.

  • – To take responsibility at the DOL and ensure all guidelines are followed.
  • – To operate during the dates of OCC National Collection (in 2024 from 14 – 26 October for Australia, or 21 – 26 October for New Zealand)
  • – To operate on agreed days and times nominated by you and advertised on the Samaritan’s Purse website.
  • – To be warm, friendly, helpful and make every donor’s experience a great one.
  • – To ask donors to use the DOL QR code provided as a record of their donation. (A paper form is also provided if needed.)
  • – To keep a record of the number of shoeboxes received at your DOL on the form provided and pass those onto your local OCC Area Team or your State’s Regional Ministry Leader.

  • – To represent the ministry of Operation Christmas Child well. Be warm, friendly, appreciative, helpful, and joyful in the role you are performing. This is, for many donors, their only face-to-face contact with OCC so let us make it a positive experience.
  • – Record details of shoeboxes donated using the QR code and Log Sheets provided. If individuals or groups do not wish to leave details, mark the Log sheet as “anonymous.”
  • – DO NOT OPEN SHOEBOXES. Under no circumstances remove any items, donations, or money from the shoeboxes.
  • – DO NOT take any donations or money for the shoeboxes. Instead, please direct people to our website or call our Donor Support team to donate. If they are unable to access online or call Donor Support, please ask them to place the cash inside an envelope and place the envelope inside one of their shoeboxes.
  • – Pack the shoeboxes into larger cartons ready for transport to the OCC Warehouse. Additional cartons are available upon request.
  • – Work with your local OCC Area Team or the OCC Regional Ministry Leader to arrange how the shoeboxes and/or cartons will be transported to the Central Drop Off Location (CDOL) or OCC Warehouse. You do not have to wait until the end of collection to send your cartons. The sooner we can receive cartons the better.
  • – Send all Log Sheets to your local OCC Area Team or OCC Regional Ministry Leader as this is essential information for us to be able to serve our participating groups and donors well in the years to come.
  • – Once you have been set up as a Drop-off Location, your details will be published, in early October, on the OCC website. OCC staff and volunteers will then direct shoebox packing donors to you to drop off their shoeboxes.

Drop Off Locations Agreement Form

By filling out this form, I acknowledge I am 18 or older and have read and agree with the Operation Christmas Child Drop-off Location Guidelines.

Step 1 of 3

After reading the above Drop-off Location Role and Guidelines, will you partner with Operation Christmas Child as a Drop-off Location in 2024?(Required)

Your Contact Information

Enter your phone number in one of the following formats. The form will automatically add the spaces for you and remove the 0 from the start.
Mobile phone: 450 123 4567 without the 0 at the start, instead of 0450 123 4567.
Landline: 2 1234 5678 without the 0 in the area code, instead of 02 1234 5678.
If our form isn’t accepting your email address, leave the field blank and please write it in the ‘extra notes’ field on the last page of this form.