
2024 Radio Resources Guide

Download the Radio Resources Guide for Key Messages, Scripts and Contact Details to help you promote Operation Christmas Child this season.

2024 Radio Ads

Radio Ad #1 – Pack a Shoebox!

This is a 30 second station sponsor radio advert.

Radio Ad #2 – Share the Gospel

This is a 30 second station sponsor radio ad highlighting the opportunity to share the Gospel with children through Operation Christmas Child

Web Banners

Web Banner 300 x 250px

Web Banner 1200 x 120px

Web Banner 1200 x 158px

Social Media Sharable Images

Australia National Collection Week

New Zealand National Collection Week

God’s Love – Boy

God’s Love – Girl

Send Good News – Boy

Send Good News – Girl


2024 Promo Video

Download and share the 2024 Operation Christmas Child ministry overview video. Full length 4 minute version.

2024 Promo Video – Short

Download and share the 2024 Operation Christmas Child ministry overview video. Shortened 1 minute version.

Australian Shoebox Distribution

Australian team distributing shoeboxes in the Philippines with a message of thanks from children to Aussie shoebox packers. It shares the difference your packed shoeboxes make in the lives of local children.

Shoeboxes Bring Joy to Deaf Children in Namibia

Shoebox gifts provided a unique experience for these children to experience the love of Jesus.

How to Pack a Shoebox

Watch and find out how to prayerfully pack an Operation Christmas Child shoebox for a boy or girl in need. It’s easy to do and each gift-filled box is a Gospel opportunity.

What Is The Greatest Journey?

A shoebox gift is only the beginning! After children receive a shoebox, many have the opportunity to participate in The Greatest Journey, our fun and engaging discipleship program that teaches them about God’s love and how to share it with others.

How Shoebox Gifts Travel the World

From donkeys, elephants, and camels to motorcycles, trucks, and canoes, we’ll do whatever it takes to transport Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts to the ends of the earth.

Athena’s Story: Sharing the Journey

Athena, a young girl in the Philippines, participated in The Greatest Journey after receiving a gift-filled Operation Christmas Child shoebox. She shared the Biblical stories from The Greatest Journey book with her family, which changed their lives and deepened their faith in God.